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March 22, 2023

New England winter can be beautiful.

But, this winter has been stressful for everyone.  Frigid temperatures, sky-high snowbanks, leaking roofs and missed school days.

It is time to put our snowblowers and shovels away and enjoy a little downtime.  Here are some helpful tips to help you reduce the stress in your life.

1.    Don’t rely on your memory.  Write down appointments, meetings, things to get done. etc.
2.    Make duplicates of your keys.  Photocopy important papers, credit cards, and all items kept in your wallet.
3.    Don’t put up with things that don’t work right.  Get them fixed or get new ones.
4.    Say no to projects, activities or invitations you know you don’t have time for. Everyone needs time to just relax
and have some quiet time.
5.    Take a hot bath or shower (or a cool one in summer) to relieve tension.
6.    Get plenty of sleep.  You will feel refreshed and renewed the next day.
7.    Learn to delegate responsibility to others as needed.
8.    Have an optimistic view of the world.  Most people are doing their best.
9.    Everyday, do something you really enjoy.
10.  Simplify, simplify, simplify.

Categories: 4. Winter, Blog

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