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Home » What to do when a summer thunderstorm strikes
March 22, 2023

What to do when a summer thunderstorm strikes

3 tips for any boater.


Recreational boaters and paddlers understand that late
afternoon thunderstorms are common during the summer boating season. Here are
three safety tips for any mariner or angler facing a powerful summer

  1. Don’t let your guard down. Sometimes during the summer boaters are lulled into a
    sense that calm seas will prevail, but you should always be prepared. Make
    sure you have life jackets (and have them on), a handheld VHF radio and a
    Personal Locator Beacon.
  2. Don’t leave the boat.
    If caught out on open water and unable to seek cover, stay with your
    vessel, even if it’s overturned. Staying with an overturned boat gives
    rescuers a larger target to find.

    3.  Watch your weight. Small craft are most prone to overloading. “Kayaks
weighted with a lot of gear can lose buoyancy,” says BoatUS Foundation
Assistant Director of Boating Safety Ted Sensenbrenner. “No matter what kind of
boat, know your vessel’s capacity rating.” –BoatUS

Categories: 2. Summer, Blog

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