Winterize your Engine
Get your boat ready for the winter months.
For many boaters, it’s time to start thinking about winterizing your boat if you haven’t already. Below are steps for winterizing your boat’s engine. If you don’t feel comfortable doing it yourself, let the marina do it for you.
Install “ear muffs” or “flush muffs,” which you can buy at most marine stores, on the lower outdrive unit(s). Attach a water hose to the ear muffs, turn on the water and adjust the flow. Start the engine, making sure it’s in neutral or idle.
Let the engine run until the thermostat opens, approximately 10 to 15 minutes. This means the engine has reached its operating temperature of 170 to 180 degrees. The thermostat must open for the antifreeze to circulate throughout the entire engine block.
Fill the antifreeze tank with five gallons of -50 degrees Fahrenheit antifreeze and place the filled tank on the swim platform. Repeat for each engine.
After verifying that the engine is at operating temperature and that the thermostat is open, disconnect the water hose and replace it with the antifreeze tank hose. (Better yet, get two sets of ear muffs, and just pull one set off and put the other set on. It’s a lot faster and easier.)
Turn the antifreeze tank hose on. Allow four of the five gallons of antifreeze to run through the engine block. Look for the water to turn pink. Once it does, turn the engine off. Do not restart the engine; it has now been winterized.
If you have dual engines, repeat the process on the other engine.